3rd International Conference on Smart Sustainable Development 

(Conference & Project Showcase)

 Auckland, New Zealand & Virtual

6th & 7th March 2025

About Us

Smart Sustainable Development (SSD) 2025 is an international conference and project showcase event for the community of sustainable practitioners to present research works and projects with an innovation focus, and see what other organisations are doing in this space. This is a unique opportunity to build a community of sustainable practitioners, form relationships, showcase applications and technologies with an innovation focus.

Important Dates

Submission Open: Now

Submission Due: 14th November 2024

Acceptance Notification: 

10th February 2025

Camera Ready Submission: 

24th February 2025

Registration: TBC

Conference: 6th & 7th March 2025

Call for Contribution

Research Category

Articles will be peer-reviewed and published as a conference proceeding in a reputable digital library (TBC). 

Research Themes

SDG Projects Category

Complete or ongoing projects strongly aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Best projects will be recognized and awarded. 

Keynote Speakers 

Prof. Leopoldo Mendoza-Espinos

Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Keynote Speech Title: 

Smart and sustainable solutions under chaotic and unsustainable circumstances: water reuse in Baja California.

Leopoldo Mendoza-Espinosa has a first degree in Oceanography from the University of Baja California at Ensenada, a Master in Science in Water Pollution Control Technology and a PhD in Water Sciences from Cranfield University in the UK. In 1999 he joined the Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas – IIO (Institute of Oceanographic Research) at the University of Baja California as professor where his main research field has been wastewater treatment and reuse. He has been a strong advocat of reclaimed water reuse in Baja California and in Ensenada in particular, which was finally achieved in 2016. He has headed projects supported by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONAHCYT), UCMEXUS-CONACYT, Alianza MX, California’s Environmental Protection Agency, Sempra Energy and more. He is currently Editor of Water Science and Technology (IWA - International Water Association) and Associate Editor of the Water Environment Journal (Wiley). In 2022 Leopoldo was appointed Deputy Director of the IIO.

Prof. Albert Bifet

Director of ArtificiaI Intelligence Institute

University of Waikato

New Zealand

Keynote Speech Title: 

Green AI in Green Aotearoa 

Albert Bifet is the Director of the Te Ipu o te Mahara AI Institute at the University of Waikato and Co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Researchers Association (AIRA). His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Science, and Machine Learning for Data Streams. He is leading the TAIAO Environmental Data Science project and co-leading the open source projects MOA Massive On-line Analysis, StreamDM for Spark Streaming and SAMOA Scalable Advanced Massive Online Analysis. He is the co-author of a book on Machine Learning from Data Streams published at MIT Press. He is one of the winners of the best paper award at the ACM  Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT) 2023, and he is the general co-chair of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) 2024. 

Dr Ben Redwood

CEO & Founder



New Zealand

Keynote Speech Title: 


Dr Ben Redwood is the founder and CEO of Mutu. Ben completed a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury and not long after left the academic world and entered the startup tech sector. Ben has over 10 years of experience building tech companies around the world; helping disrupt and shift traditional industry mindsets. In 2022 turned his attention to starting Mutu to tackle the global problems around waste and unnecessary procurement. As the Dad of 2 young boys, Ben is particularly interested in elevating Aotearoa to become a leader in sustainability and climate tech while also facilitating the growth of the next generation of kiwi entrepreneurs. 


Repost (Dansy Coppell

 Winner Project Category SSD 2024

"As a business The visibility for Repost brand to be seen and acknowledged in a room full of research and academic pioneers in their respective fields was overwhelming and a huge boost of confidence for me. Many of them I imagine would not otherwise have heard of us.  We felt incredibly grateful for the honour to win the SSD award 2024. WOW! To be awarded this award for me meant a justification for the sacrifice put in, and any self-doubt we still had was evaporated; in that moment Repost had earnt it's place as a company that although not academic showed the pillars of SDG's and therefore could hold its ground.  Moreover it felt like an encouragement by SSD judges to continue the sustainable recycling businesses and grow.

Personally  It felt like the hard work and sacrifice made by my husband and I to make this business work was worth it and to continue to grow it to help more people both get our low-cost fence posts and show a circular economy repurposing process could exist commercially for CCA treated timber vineyard and orchard posts. It gave me an energy boost and re-fueled my confidence and drive. We hold this award as a badge of honour and promise that we will strive to grow and develop our business, mission and goals for the greater good.  We are proud to represent the everyday rural person who can create innovation. It is also a reminder that changing the status quo is possible!"

Thanh An Le (UNITEC) 

Third Place Project Category SSD 2024

"Participating in the SSD 2024 was an incredibly rewarding experience. While working on my thesis, my supervisors introduced me to this event, recognizing it as a perfect platform to showcase my research. From the moment I learned about it, I knew it was an opportunity I couldn't miss. As a 3rd place winner, I had the unique chance to present my research to a diverse and knowledgeable audience, receive valuable feedback from industry experts, and network with peers who share a passion for sustainable development. One of the most rewarding outcomes of my participation was that my research was later published in Frontiers in Sustainability, which I consider a significant milestone in my academic journey. The exposure and recognition I gained at SSD 2024 played a crucial role in this achievement. What impressed me the most was the brilliance of the ideas presented by other participants. The projects showcased had real potential to make a significant impact on the world, and being surrounded by such innovative minds was truly inspiring. The convention's well-organized sessions and engaging discussions provided me with new perspectives and insights that have since influenced my work. The SSD convention not only celebrates innovation but also fosters a supportive community where ideas can flourish. I'm grateful for the recognition my work received and am excited to see what SSD 2025 will bring. I highly recommend this convention to anyone passionate about making a positive impact on our world"

Dr. Iman Ardekani  

Second Place SSD 2022 & Third Place SSD 2024 -Project Category

"I’m honored to receive the first award for Smart Sustainable Development for our AI-powered beekeeping project. This was a true team effort, with invaluable contributions from my postgraduate students and colleagues. Winning this award has been an incredible validation of our work. Inspired by this experience, I’ve asked to join the organizing team for the next meeting to help make it even more impactful for students and researchers in sustainable development."